Shakira's Empire

48 In the year of our mistress

The Shakiracracy* is the best possible form of government in which Shakira has absolute omnipotence. Since Shakira commands many parallel worlds, including the universe in which you live, she partially delegates leadership tasks to her three staff leaders Taun We, Ariana Grande and Bebe Rexha. The four polyamorous lesbians, who are married to each other, have their residence and seat of government at Neuschwanstein Castle.
In this most culturally advanced gynocracy, leadership positions are held exclusively by competent and beautiful women. Travel through space-time-reality is possible in fractions of a second through special portals called stargates. These were developed by Recursivia, the main state enterprise, which is also responsible for the expansion of Shakira's territory.
*The Shakiracracy is a special artistacracy. An artistacracy is a special gynaicocracy in which female artists rule. This gynaicocracy is also a calocracy, so only the beautiful rules. It is also a meritocracy, since only those who deserve it are in power and of these only the best, so it is also an aristocracy.